App Information Services Defined

Why Information Needs Have Moved From Big Corporation to the Home?

App Information Services (AIS) – Part 2

Before we can offer “app information services” to others, I must first define it for you.  It’s information services for the applications (apps) we all need and currently use in some shape form or fashion today.  It’s the app information needs used on your desktop PCs, home PCs, tablets, smart phones, and other mobile devices. It’s the information we use everyday for our personal lives, homes, churches, small businesses, and even enterprises.  This content, however, doesn’t apply to enterprises or large businesses and corporations who already have many working solutions for their data needs. “App Information Services” refers to applications used for productivity, to keep your records, collect data, metrics, and support your various data needs and creation.  To help you further understand, we will define what it is not, then outline its components.

Not information systems (I.S.) or technology (I.T.)
To put it as simply as I can, “app information services” has nothing to do with I.S. which stands for information systems, the systems running on machines and it has very little to do with I.T. which stands for information technology, the machines and devices themselves.

Most people, especially individuals, small businesses, and churches have no idea what information systems and technology really is, although we hear it referenced daily.  Large businesses, enterprises, and post-secondary education have made these concepts very complicated. Trust me, I’ve worked on both sides of these areas for over two decades and sometimes I feel as if I don’t understand them.  They’ve become so vast and terminology driven that they no longer appeal or cater to the basic unit who manages data needs, people.  Yet, the fact still remains it’s all about our information needs at every level and the most basic level, the individual seated behind the devices.

A Few Examples of Your Information Needs
Now would be a great time to introduce you to a few examples of your information needs-what individuals, small businesses, and churches don’t know.  Individuals, homes, churches, small business, and non-profit organizations need:

  • Ways to manage and share their calendars easily. 
  • A place to hold their contacts.
  • Email and a place to review tasks, manage their pending tasks, and quantify their completed tasks
  • Productivity apps for creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  • To know when a database is more effective than a spreadsheet.
  • Ways to store and find the files they create and anyone on their staff creates.
  • Protection from losing all their hard work when their computers (I.T.) inevitably crashes.
  • A way to track their business data and transactions.

These needs are no longer isolated to big companies or big business.  Do any of these sound like something you could use? Is it something that you see a need to do better in your life, home, organization, small business, or church?  These needs due to the growth in and rise of technology have brought these “app information services” needs down to the lowest levels, that would be you. Where in years past, you’d only find the need for these type of information services in a desk-job, now these needs are in the home and even elementary grade-schools.  This content will address those needs and much, much, more.

“App Information Services” (AIS) has many of the answers, solutions, and ideas for handling the majority of your most pressing data needs.

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