The Groups We Plan to Care For
The People We Care For – Part 1
When I sat around the senior leadership table, each department was represented. The division president would address each department one by one providing updates or getting feedback. It’s this picture that gave me the idea for starting our family plan. I recognized that running a life or a home would take us addressing our departments, so to speak, in the same manner, but first we needed to identify them. How would we be able to have a successful life or home without considering the various responsibilities that departments represented? The only difference was, we don’t have 8 individuals to handle ours. This means we must, and we must learn how to be proficient in each because our lives depend on it. (To the left) I bet no one has ever told you that before.
The Thought or Concept:
The department of our focus today is the department of human resources or human relationships. At any rate, it’s how we care for our people? What’s the scope and interaction we have with our world? In order to do anything well, one must have a plan. To make sure you care for your people well, will require a plan. When you have no plan, it implies you don’t have a goal to succeed in the area that has no plan. Let’s talk briefly about what you can expect to see in our family plan’s department called human resources. We will break out each section in subsequent web-posts.
The Practice:
Here are four categories that make up our human resources department and illustrates how we care for our people (i.e. family):
- Self.
At the top must be how we care for oneself. You need a plan for what you will do with you. When there’s no plan for you, it yields little benefits when trying to do something for someone else. How will you take care of self and be responsible for caring for the others in your world? You must consider a few topics when discussing self: mental fitness, physical fitness, and spiritual fitness. More on these later. - Our marriage.
If you’re married (or ever plan on being), you must have a plan for making the best of your marriage. No plan means you plan to fail in your marriage. I’ll write another book on that topic. This plan for your marriage can include such topics as setting an annual retreat or getaway alone, just the two of you, what books will you use to become a better spouse (husband or wife), how to maintain you being you and your partner being your partner, and what projects will you place at the center of your relationship? You see the two of you were created for a purpose that must work together as a couple.
If you’re not married, your plan will include how you will prepare for becoming married if that’s a goal. What would you like to see in a spouse? Prepare for the type of spouse you need to become. - Our main people.
Your people include your family, you with your children. What plans do you have to care for your children? If you have young children, layout their future. Begin to help your children dream. Give them a future to work with and don’t leave it up to chance. At least they will have a place to start rather than no place at all. That’s what normal people have done and I’m certain you don’t want a normal existence for your children. Create family projects and take family vacations. Discuss your family’s plans as a family so that your children feel apart of your life, your business. - Our people outside the family.
We all have relationships outside the family. Without a plan you’ll do just like every normal person on the planet, abuse them or neglect them. If you’re intentional, you have the opportunity to be their biggest blessing. If you are going to be in a relationship with others, why not make the best of it. What are your plans for those outside the immediate family? How are you caring for your parents, siblings, friend sets, small groups, special people, coworkers, and employees? You share a lot with these folks such as vacations, holidays, transitions, traditions, prayer, goals, accomplishments, business, and support. A plan allows you to be exceptional in the lives of those in your world.
- Self.
Your world consists of the people you find to love. How do you express this action of love to those in your world? You see, Pamela and I take our world seriously and want those we do life with to feel blessed to have us in their lives. So we make plans to ensure that we are.
Today is Friday!
You don’t have to do any of this, but I suspect that’s not why you’re here. You’re here because you’re a next-level person and want the life you’ve dreamt of having. You want to do a better job of caring for your world and the people you interact with regularly. Let us help you put your plans together. Stay with us for the next few weeks as we unpack these four categories for how you (we) care for our family.
I need you to do me one favor, share this with at least one person you care for. Thanks of visiting Kerry A. Clark & Co.
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