In this web-post we share the remaining seven normal behaviors that if reversed would allow one to become an uncommon, extraordinary individual.

Empowering You to Go to the Next Level!
In this web-post we share the remaining seven normal behaviors that if reversed would allow one to become an uncommon, extraordinary individual.
This lesson has the first six of a thirteen behaviors identified to be normal in producing devastation in one’s life, one’s business. We’ve found a way to reverse these effects by using the list in a different way.
In this lesson, we walk through the seven levels of relationships in order to imagine the impacts a war has on a family and the people connected to it.
In this lesson, we reveal the impact war in a family (divorce) has on the eight departments that make up the business called your life.
I’ve equated divorce like countries who go to war. After the war is over, each country must know how to move forward. In the same way so do families who’ve suffered the war of divorce.
Kerry A. Clark is an author, Christian life coach, Information Systems & Technology professional, platform builder and project manager.
He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, Pamela, and daughter, Tamia and has devoted his life to his 3 M’s: Mission, Message, and Ministration.
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