What Research Tells Us of People Groups?
Grouping God’s People – Part 1
As I mentioned previously, we’ve found no really good list of people groups. Hence the reason why we’ve decided to share this lesson. To be totally honest, if you can handle me saying this, God gave me this idea many years ago to combat my own thinking as racial turmoil continues to raise its ugly head in America. It led me to ask the question, what is race anyway? If there are races then how many are there? If there are races, then who decided on the segments? Please recall that I mentioned I’ll have a couple biases when it comes to this topic simply by the geographic location in which we live. Please look beyond the biases so that you can see the gift of people that we wish to uncover through these discoveries. I’ve concluded that the problems we’ve seen in our society are built on some lopsided thinking. What if we changed our thinking? If we were to do this then we would also change the outcome. It starts with me and it continues with you.
One of our sons (I won’t name names) believed that there were only two classifications of people. Think about that for a minute. In his mind no matter what others said, his view of society placed all the world’s people into just two categories. His philosophy and the philosophy of many others is this way. In his words, if you are not white, then you are black. As I would often say, those colors are not even ethnic groups, races, or defining characteristics of any people group. I was guilty of thinking this racial outcry comes from outside when in fact, it’s inside. It’s inside of us all. It’s what we think and what we think has become the reality in which we live. Therefore, there’s only one answer to our problem. We must change what we think of people.
Our Thinking Causes Us to Leave a Group Out
We will begin with what we know based on what my research has uncovered
In a resource I found on the internet, it described only three human races. Here they are: 1) Negroid, 2) Caucasoid, and 3) Mongoloid. [1] For the record, this lesson is not about races or racism. It’s about seeing the best in people. If I were to infer what these breakouts into people groups meant, it would look like this. 1 – Negroid are of African descent, 2 – Caucasoid are of European descent, and 3 – Mongoloid are of Asian descent. While this sounds good and we can certainly picture it, I felt that one grouping of people was excluded. There’s a group that doesn’t fit either category and has been left out. This picture is not much different than our son placing all of human-kind into just two categories. This is why we are writing this work. We must not leave any group of people out or exclude any group in order to the gift of people.
The MasterPiece of the World God Created
In the very beginning, God created this place we called earth. In it, He places the people that He loves and these people formed groups. So I continued my research and found a better depiction of the groups that color our planet, not to be offensive. This group of six paints a more inclusive image or masterpiece painting of the world that God created.
- American Indians or Alaska Native.
While I am not ready to go into any detail which I will certainly get to later, pay close attention to the words: Indian, American, and Native. - Asian
- African
- Hispanic or Latino.
I would like to mention here that I’m still trying to figure out what “Latino” and “Hispanic” really means. By the way, the words should be insulting. It refers to a group of people who speak a certain language without consideration to their biological heritage , geography, or descent. We will continue that subject later. - Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
- European.
In reviewing the six above groupings, even when the internet calls it seven, there’s some holes and some oversights. At any rate, in order for us to grow or go to the next level on any subject, we must be open to learning. The scripture says that the only thing able to destroy God’s people is the lack of this learning, knowledge. [2] We are destroyed by a lack of knowledge. How we think of others is destroyed by a lack of knowledge. Our ability to get along with others is destroyed by our lack of knowledge. In order to paint a better picture of the world around us, we need a better understanding of it. Have we ever considered the picture God painted when He created human-kind? If we’re to change how we think, resulting in changing who we are, then we have to do what it takes to see the big picture.
To bring this installment to a close, I want to leave you with this conclusion after sifting through a number of online resources and several books. While this is not factual it is thought provoking and will help us understand who we are as inhabitants of the world that God made. If we were to group people at the highest level possible, we all would fall into one of just three unique groups. Those groups, which were created to do amazing things, are Eurasian, African, and Natives to the Americas (Americian, not as we know Americans). By the way, I made that last one up because I’ve not yet found a name recorded for a group of people that exists in one of the largest continents on the globe.
I hope I have your attention. This concept is huge and in our next installment we will discuss how Ancerstory.com helped us form this high level conclusion for grouping God’s people.
Question: what are your thoughts about these three high-level groups of people?

[1] Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag. “ELBA BIOFLUX Extreme Life, Biospeology & Astrobiology” ResearchGate GmbH. Accessed February 8, 2023. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242554407_ELBA_BIOFLUX_Extreme_Life_Biospeology_Astrobiology
[2] Hosea 4:6 NKJV, Bible.com, accessed February 8, 2023, https://www.bible.com/bible/114/HOS.4.6.NKJV
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.