This installment concludes our message on next level goal setting. What we wish to achieve in this message is how to apply a little Bible to your goals to give one’s goal setting efforts a God-sized boast.
Faith’s Fuel
Setting goals is like dreaming. If I may say it differently, goal setting is better than dreaming, it is like having hope. Only people who lack hope dislike goal setting.
Repeat the Process
Whether you realize it or not, your life is a repeatable process and if we can learn to use this repeatable process towards accomplishing our desires, then success is its product.
The Pieces of Your Puzzles
Your goals are like jigsaw puzzles. You know what the picture should be once you’ve put the pieces together. All you need to do is figure out how to complete the image one piece at a time.
Reaching the Destination
In order to get from where you are to where you want to be requires you to take some steps. The endpoint of any goal is to cross the finish line and reach a defined destination, but how do we do this with everyday real-life goals?