In this web-post, I’d like to dream of being old, but not like an ordinary old person, but one who is so active your death catches you and everyone else by surprise.

Empowering You to Go to the Next Level!
In this web-post, I’d like to dream of being old, but not like an ordinary old person, but one who is so active your death catches you and everyone else by surprise.
In the earning decades, spend less time on how much earnings and more time on what the earnings are for. Give yourself a why and the resources will follow.
There are three key takeaways one should gain during the learning phase of one’s life.
This lesson is an introduction to an uncommon view of how we can use the decade calendar as a projection of who we can become.
Kerry A. Clark is an author, Christian life coach, Information Systems & Technology professional, platform builder and project manager.
He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his wife, Pamela, and daughter, Tamia and has devoted his life to his 3 M’s: Mission, Message, and Ministration.
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