In this third and final installment of the 16 outcomes for love, we identify the last four outcomes. We also touch briefly on the idea of what it means for one who doesn’t measure up to any of the 16 (which does happen).
Outcomes of Love: 5-12
In this second installment of the 16 outcomes for love, we identify the next eight outcomes. The idea is to help one make up in their own mind whether or not she or he is being loved or giving love.
Outcomes of Love: 1-4
In this first installment of the 16 outcomes for love, we identify the first four outcomes. More importantly it gives us an idea on how to assess the love we believe we receive and the love we give.
Five Ways to Communicate Love
Is it possible to say I love you and the person to whom you say doesn’t understand what you’ve said? Yes. Wouldn’t you like to know the language of the person to whom you wish to express love? In this lesson, we discuss the five methods that communicate love.
Love Has Two Lanes: Love & Respect
In this lesson, we discuss what it takes for a couple to have an uncommon marriage based upon how they navigate the two lane highway for love called love & respect.