In this special episode, we reveal an initiative we’ve implemented to intentionally impact the spiritual fitness of our new teenager. Through this we’ve not only added value to our teenager, but to ourselves as we all improve our level of spiritual fitness.
Caring in the Area of Spiritual Health
There are four areas I’ve identified to help create a plan for your spiritual fitness. Have you ever considered the condition of your family’s spiritual health? What about your children? It’s time to give this part of your life some overdue attention.
How To Care For Our People With Our Work
In this message, we share insight on how to make your work align with your priority. How is your work supporting the main people in your world? Or is your world and your family sitting on the back-burner?
Caring For My People Starting In Our Home
We’re sharing our plan for respecting each other, establishing the guidelines for our name sake, and the practices we have to be the people we desire to be. We’re not going to leave our lives, our business, to chance and neither should you.
Your Main People
We had so much to say in this area that we had to turn it into a mini-series of its own. In this first episode, we’re introducing you to the concept of caring for those closest to you using our five life growth areas.