Relationship level seven is the most important relationship level of them all. It’s the one relationship level that trumps all the rest. It’s the relationship level that dominates your decisions regarding all the others. It’s the relationship level that calls the shots in your life.
Relationship Level Six
This web-post is written to help you understand who your spouse is and how two people at this stage may not interact like people engaged in relationship level six.
Relationship Level Five
In this lesson, we discuss your closest friend but not in everyday terms or expectations, but from a level five relationship perspective. See if your closest friend measures up to how the level five relationship is defined.
Relationship Level Four
Relationship level four is a lesson on your “inner circle.” Who’s in your inner circle of friends? What’s the difference between your regular friends and the select few friends who can make it to your inner circle?
Relationship Level Three
Relationship level three is the most common of relationships; however, it’s this level that’s probably the most misunderstood.