In the lesson, we lay out a list of ten battle strategies one can use in his/her war against wasted time.
Managing It Differently Than the Rest
In this lesson, we look beyond how we’ve used our time and spent our weeks in the past, but rather, envision what we dream an ideal week would be like to have one.
Using Habits to Manage Time
This lesson is on the topic of habits and how our habits can impact how we use our time. Find out how you can make better use of your time by simply altering your habits.
It’s TIME to Change the World
Admiral William McRaven is known for ten Navy SEAL life lessons to live by. In this lesson, I’m using those life lessons and applying them to how we can better manage our time, activities.
TIME: Used to Bring Control
This lesson was inspired by Myles Munroe who helped shape our thinking that the average person has several misunderstandings about time itself. What is it that the average person is missing when it comes to time?