The Four Main Base-Line Genealogies
Grouping God’s People – Part 2
In our previous lesson, I revealed three high-level groupings for God’s people: Eurasian, African, and Indigenous American. However, like you might be feeling right now, a little like Alice free-falling down the rabbit hole, so was I. Here were a few of my thoughts about the matter that left me a little disoriented. One, why would it take me doing some research to discover something that should be obvious and apparent? Two, why doesn’t anyone just come out and say these things? Could there be just three groupings for all the people on earth? Three, I wasn’t totally satisfied by my conclusion which I will get to momentarily. However, let me state something that I know for sure. In life, we all are compelled to study things for ourselves. When we don’t, that leaves us in a place of ignorance or lacking in knowledge. Lacking knowledge is one of the most ungodly or ungodlike behaviors we can possess. You see God is all-knowing and has given us the advice that when we lack knowledge, that behavior opens us up for destruction. [1] Therefore, according to the Holy Book, God’s people are destroyed when they lack knowledge. Could it be that in the areas of people-gifts, we lack knowledge and thus have a destructive society? I’ll let you answer that, but look around; the evidence for that answer is all around us. So this means it’s on us to get as much knowledge as we can. Would you like for me to continue?
Three Distinct People-Groups
As I was stating, we concluded that there are three distinct groupings of people that inhabit the planet. Without question, we know people of African descent inhabit the globe and for the most part are easily identifiable. The second grouping, Indigenous Americans, is much harder to identify because of how society has classified people in this category. Stay with me, as your first thoughts are of Native Americans or Indians (as we have been known to call this grouping). We will dig more into later. Then there are the Eurasians. This group of people obviously inhabit the part of the world geographically known to us as Europe and Asia. Lumping these two geographic regions together does create a problem for me and probably for you, especially if you are European and the same if you consider yourself Asian. This is what led me to dig a little deeper. Therefore, we consulted a trusted expert on people,
Genealogical Groups
We figured that since it was so trusted and popular that meant a huge number of us are not only interested in our genealogy and ancestry, but also the groups that support such. I don’t know if you’ve ever used sites like or other genealogy companies to explore your ancestry or not. What I often wondered was this. If a person is a direct match for one of the base-line genealogies, where did this base-line originate? In other words, genealogy companies have concluded that there is a set base-line which classifies the origins of all people on earth. Once I realized this, it dawned on me that they were really referencing this very concept that we’ve introduced you to as people groups. Think of it this way, if you are truly Asian where would your genealogy take you? The obvious answer would be Asian which means Asia. That proves the base-line is just that, the most basic origins. Otherwise, we’d condense all humans back down to one single origin. As I reviewed their help documents and other online resources, these four main base-line genealogies arose which aligned perfectly with the conclusions we were making. Allow me to share our findings and hopefully give you some insight into what this means to us.
The four groupings found included a fifth group, Oceania. This fifth grouping however, is a group made up of those who find their origins pointing back to one or more of the four main base-line genealogies. Which include the following.
- African
I start with African because for some reason it’s the easiest for us all to identify. That being said, this group of people geographically find themselves with origins that extend one way or another back to the continent of Africa. - Indigenous American
Indigenous Americans may be the most complex of the four. What’s interesting about this group is that does a fantastic job in defining this people group. The make up of this people-group is usually left out when we speak of race and even geography. This group of people represent all those who are not African, European, nor Asian. These are our friends in North and South America. The majority are found in Central America, South America and the south and north ends of North America. Go figure. - European
The European group, which is more obvious, represents people who’ve been known to occupy Europe, Russia & surrounding areas, and large parts of central North America. - Asian (Asia proper and West Asia)
The Asian group of people find their origins in Asia and the middle east, excluding Russia and the areas surrounding Russia. This Asia group represents both Asia proper and the areas known as West Asia.
Forgive me for giving you a geography lesson, but this is important for us when making these group distinctions. I gave you all this so that I can validate the people-group idea that led me to this concept of people-gifts. Each grouping of people that God created have unique gifts. In seeing these gifts we can also see how these groups have contributed to making the earth one of God’s greatest creations. But in order to understand and define people -gifts, we must be able to identify the people first. Understanding these unique groups gives us insight into how our world works and how each group plays an intricate role in making it great.
Question: what about these people groups most surprised you?

[1] Hosea 4:6 NKJV,, accessed February 15, 2023,
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