This installment concludes our lessons on Time Management for Believers by providing the three most important actions in designing one’s future starting today.
The Hamster on the Wheel
This lesson describes the process of setting bookends to periods of time. Bookends are important to determine the start and stopping points for your time periods. Without bookends your life becomes similar to the hamster on the hamster wheel, a lot of movement but going nowhere.
Time Purge: Out With the Old in With the New
In this installment of Time Management for Believers, we discuss how to replace old activities with new activities. Replacing the old with the new is the only way to successfully make room for things you wish to get done but can’t seem to find the time.
Success Takes Time
In this lesson we need to connect success with what we do with our time. In other words, success is directly impacted by our ability to manage what we do with the time designations we set.
A Time Management Example Worth Following
This lesson describes how being a believer doesn’t let you off the hook for being a better manager of your time than the average person. In fact, it’s the opposite. Average people should look to you in what you do with the time you have.