In this web-post, we’re concluding the series, “Producing For Others,” by leaving you with ways to identify the services you have to offer others. We’re using our five areas of growth to help guide this topic. Click the link for more.
Four Ways to Add Margin to Your Life
In this web-post, we share four ways you can turn stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed into margin. You know what margin is? Having room to move and adjust without any negative impacts to whatever else is going on in your life. Could you use some of that? Check out “Four Ways to Add Margin to Your Life.
Five Secrets to Set Yourself Up for Promotion
What’s necessary for a person to better situate themselves for promotion? Is this something I can take control of? Sure it is. In fact, I’m going to put “promotion” in your hands and not someone else’s. Here’s how…
Releasing My Value
The most valuable asset you have is stuck somewhere in your head and only you have the ability to unleash it. You have a wealth of knowledge that’s not being put to the best use. It’s time to change all that. Find out why what you have is so valuable in “Releasing My Value.”
The Job Doesn’t Make Me
Your opportunity to make a splash in the ocean of life is available through your current role. What’s become commonplace is the breeding ground for you to become all you ever dream of. Start by making a difference right where you are.