I’d like to take a moment to go back to the beginning of why we [Pamela and I] use a family plan. In answering this question, “how do we prepare for the new year?”, is the “why” behind our family plan.
If you want to be like everyone else, don’t plan. Don’t make plans of any kind.
If you want to be like everyone else, set the same old New Year’s resolutions.
We choose to be different, live different and have what others don’t. All of this requires what others don’t do, plan.
Our family plan begins with the new year in mind. We’re thinking, what’s the plan for the family in this new year? What will we do, have and achieve?
What does that look like?
The family plan started for us almost a decade ago and I wish we had the time to take a walk down memory lane, but we’ll have to save that for another day. Instead of talking about the past, we will discuss the present. What are we doing now?
We use our family plan as a working document. We are constantly reviewing it, writing in it, updating it and praying over it. This year we’ve set goals around each of the 8 departments we have listed. This plan helps us outline our life [our family] which is our business hence the departments. Don’t forget “your life is your business.” In this working document [binder], we make certain we discuss some change, improvement or addition that needs to be made in each respective area.
Setting a goal for each area will give us a minimum of 8 goals for the year. However, keep in mind that goals are useless without a process or system that ensures daily execution. Here’s an example: after this Christmas, we decided to increase our generosity next year to those we have on our “have to” list for Christmas. We’ve decided to budget a minimum [up to a certain] amount for each person on the “have to” list for Christmas. That means next Christmas, we can step up our generosity to those who are most important. After all, if we’re going to be good to someone, shouldn’t we be good to those who are closest to us?
Here’s the point and even a key. Having such a goal, means we need to put a process or system in place. The goal is to have a certain amount of money for Christmas gifts by November. The system [or process] is to set an amount aside regularly with each pay period to accomplish this goal. Start planning now so that you have a year to execute the plan that meets your goal.
“A goal is nothing more than applying “faith” in a practical way.”
One of the best ways to practice and demonstrate your faith is in making goals. You set a goal for something that you can’t see and you work towards accomplishing that goal. Now that’s the definition of faith. Are you using yours?
By the end of December, Pamela and I have a detailed plan of what we intend to accomplish. We list all the things that we hope for so that throughout the year they become seen.
Today is Friday!
If you thought that making this year your best year ever was complicated and difficult, think again. It’s as simple as making and working the plan all year long. Working the plan means that you set a goal and create a process that you can execute regularly to achieve the goal.
Question: What will your year look like? Have you given it any thought? Leave us a comment below.
How to Take the Plan Out of Planning
A Proven Strategy to Getting Things Done
My Dad’s Favorite Scripture Taught Me to Execute a Plan
Reach Your Dreams in Just a Few Minutes a Week
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[…] your year. Evaluate your year for at least one of these two things: 1) what you did well and 2) what you don’t want to repeat […]