Caution: It’s Meant for Bonding
Since God Created Sex – Part 2
Sex is a super powerful relationship adhesive. It can bond a couple, seal them tightly together, and even repair messed up relationships. Sex is easy to use, extremely strong, addictive, and non-discriminating. It works like a magnet, locks individuals together, and holds them tightly. It can be applied to any relationship no matter the circumstances or situation. This is exactly what you desire for the perfect relationship and ideal spouse.
However, if I may be honest with you, sex is more addictive than any drug found on earth. There are more sex addicts than alcoholics or any substance. Furthermore, there are more victims of sex addictions than anything else. There is nothing more addictive on earth than this, the appetite for sex. This drive for sex, and once you experience it more, the craving intensifies. You will become a craver. If you allow that craving to become so great, it will keep you from becoming what you dream of becoming. In fact, when not handled properly it can become your greatest barrier to success in life. It can impact you in ways that hinder you functioning well. I am saying all this so that you can be mindful. If you observe your friends and others who are beginning to succumb to this addiction, you will notice how their behavior has shifted and how things, even people, that once were important to them have become less important. I wish this wasn’t the case, but it is and a sign of when sex has gone wrong.
Sex is both mental and physical.
Because sex is both mental and physical, it’s connected to your mind, but reinforced with your body. See, the world (normal people) wants you to think that it is only physical. Allow me to explain why it is not. There are way too many challenges people are unable to shake because sex is not only physical, but also mental. It connects minds, as well as bodies. Most people think it is just a body connection. Unfortunately, and fortunately it is more than that; it connects minds. Unfortunately, it can connect the wrong minds when we connect to the wrong person. You may want to read that statement again. Fortunately, as it was intended, it connects the right minds to the right person when used properly.
I’m going to throw something in while I’m here and may repeat it later on when we get into more details. The more people you connect with sexually, the more connections you have with mentally. The problem is it was never intended for you to have numerous connections. The reason is it creates a bond that is designed not to let go of. Sex seals you close. The more times you do it with different partners, the less of a bond you have with the one that you wish you had a bond with in the first place. Multiple partners weaken the bond that sex or intimacy was designed for. Let me say it in a different way because sexual intercourse was meant to occur with as few partners as possible, you and your spouse, your wife or your husband are supposed to be in it for your lifetime partnership. Sex is like golf. In golf, the main objective is to take the fewest number of swings possible to place the ball in the hole. This is why the phrase “hole in one” is significant, with one swing the ball made it into the hole. This is what sex and marriage should be, a hole in one. When it is not, then problems arise on the journey to getting the ball in the hole or having a successful relationship like marriage.
Therefore, the objective is to have as few partners as possible. When this is the case, the bond that you have is great, it is stronger. On the other hand, when a person begins to increase the number of sexual bonds, the bond between you and finally your spouse once that occurs, won’t be so tight. Like keeping your golf swings in check, you should keep this sexual appetite in check.
Please don’t hear these words as discouragement, but rather encouragement. When the number of partners is at its minimum, the result is an experience unlike any other. That’s what society won’t tell you. In fact, when it is all said and done, those who have mishandled their sexual appetite will later regret such a choice. Many will be on a journey to find satisfaction and fulfillment that will never again be quenched by normal methods. All adults who experience sexual intercourse with another (appropriately) understand this. There are very few people who cannot think back to the first person they experienced sex with. Imagine if this was a hole in one. What if your first experience was with the person you spent the rest of your life with? Your thoughts would always bring you back to them. Sex bonds people together, and it is meant to be this way.
Sex is meant to hold its bond on a person; it is meant to create a hold and it does. We see it mostly as you get involved with it or when you first start to experience sexual intercourse. When you see teenagers get involved with each other sexually, you can see how hard it is to break that bond. In fact, a teenager who gets into sex before marriage, what happens is those teenagers whether female or male will forsake their parents for a person they had sex with. Imagine that, forsaking the people who love you more than any other human will ever? No matter how smart or how dumb that person is, it happens. It occurs over and over again and every day. This is why we’re writing this. Go ahead, buckle your seatbelt because this is the truth. These are the facts. As you read this, more than likely, people and situations begin to come to mind. Be okay with that. The goal is to stir you to an ideal course and keep you from drifting off course. Sex is powerful and powerful for a reason. Knowing this should help you think twice about the relationships you choose to enjoy it with. Not only that, but it will also help you resist the urge or craving to do so with someone you would rather never be connected to in the first place.
Question: After understanding the bonding effect of sex, how does this alter your thoughts about it?
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