In this install, we focus on the peak performance decades. In these six decades it’s critical for one to understand this is where you are to be intentional about how you perform in life.
The Out-of-My-Control Decades
In this web-post, we define the “out-of-my-control” decades (0-19) and what can be expected. Using what’s expected of the natural occurrences as well as the derailments, how can one plan to make the most of it.
One More Lap Around the Decade-Calendar
In this installment, we introduce how we put this decade-calendar philosophy into practice; as if it were an actual calendar view?
Life Doesn’t Stop at Retirement
In this web-post, I’d like to dream of being old, but not like an ordinary old person, but one who is so active your death catches you and everyone else by surprise.
Plan Not to Forfeit Your Future
In the earning decades, spend less time on how much earnings and more time on what the earnings are for. Give yourself a why and the resources will follow.