In this final installment of “Preparing Financially for the Returning Decades,” we discuss setting your life up financially for an ending well deserving of a life well lived.
Financial Impacts of the Earning Decades
In this installment, we describe what the financial outcomes should look like when you’re in decade 4-7. These four decades known as the earning decades are critical to the financial outcome of your lifespan.
Impacts of Finances in the Learning Decades
Have you considered the financial implications of the “learning decades.” This is why getting off to the best financial start is important.
Create a Life of Margin
In this message, we share one of our favorite and most useful focus statements ever, “Create a Life of Margin.” It’s this focus statement that transforms an out of control life to one that’s in your control.
Family Goals
Planning requires us to set goals to get the plan done. Without goals, we won’t achieve very much. This happens in the life of ordinary people every single day. The business of running your life needs goals set for its various departments. Find out more and how these departments impact your plans, in “Family Goals.”