In this message, we share one of our favorite and most useful focus statements ever, “Create a Life of Margin.” It’s this focus statement that transforms an out of control life to one that’s in your control.
The Skill of Under Committing and Over Delivering
Under commit and over deliver is the name of the game. But why do we so often do the opposite, over commit and under deliver? Well I know why, it’s never been our focus. So why not make it a focus statement for the year? We did and we’re sharing it with you. Check out “The Skill of Under Committing and Over Delivering.”
Family Goals
Planning requires us to set goals to get the plan done. Without goals, we won’t achieve very much. This happens in the life of ordinary people every single day. The business of running your life needs goals set for its various departments. Find out more and how these departments impact your plans, in “Family Goals.”
Finding Your Value in 5 Places
In this web-post, we’re concluding the series, “Producing For Others,” by leaving you with ways to identify the services you have to offer others. We’re using our five areas of growth to help guide this topic. Click the link for more.
Releasing My Value
The most valuable asset you have is stuck somewhere in your head and only you have the ability to unleash it. You have a wealth of knowledge that’s not being put to the best use. It’s time to change all that. Find out why what you have is so valuable in “Releasing My Value.”