Steps from Here to There
Outline Each Individual Goal – Part 3
Whether you have been in church or not, you have probably heard this term, “promised land.” If not, you have more than likely seen “The Prince of Egypt” where a nation of people is delivered from enslavement by way of crossing through the Red Sea. This story doesn’t actually end at the Red Sea or that one scene with the waters of the sea rolling up like walls allowing millions to pass safely through while the Egyptian rulers are annihilated when those walls collapse upon them. Thinking of goals, the goal and destination of this delivered nation was to reach their promised land. The question remains as in any goal, how do we get there? This group may have crossed the Red Sea which in and of itself was an amazing miracle, but the destination was still out of reach.
This nation needed a plan to go beyond the Red Sea and take steps towards the ultimate destination, their promised land. You too will need to do the same. Many times, as I have heard, success can be the enemy of future success. Crossing the Red Sea may have seemed like enough, but it was not their promised land. This is why in the previous lesson we outlined the starting point and the endpoint. Every goal you have is like building a house. You have pieces that must support the prior pieces. Without a destination defined, the nation of Israel would have thought that the other side of the Red Sea was the goal. In fact, when you have no defined destination, you may settle in and for a place that falls short of a life that produces more. Let’s talk about what needs to happen in order to reach the desired destination and not fall short of completing one’s goal.
What will it take?
Organize the actions you need to take to get to the destination in a plan. List out all you know that must be done to see the goal accomplished. Be as detailed as much or as little as you deem necessary but draft out clear steps that you can follow.
What can we do starting today?
This question is important. Every day, you must ask yourself what one step can I take today to get closer to reaching my goal? In other words, make that one step your priority. It’s this one step that is standing in the way of your next step.
What do we need?
Answer the question, what do I need? What do you need to keep your momentum and to keep moving? Make sure you have what you need and don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t have what you need to continue. You always have what you need to make one more next step. Even if you don’t have the resources, that means you have a new next step. Use what you have at your disposal to gain the resources you need. The biggest excuse a person uses is this one. Put that aside by telling yourself the truth, you have what you need for one more step towards your desired destination.
Automate actions that can be automated.
In other words, create a habit for the goal. We call this “discipline.” If writing a book is your goal, one action that can be automated is the dedicated time you need to write. Set that time aside as sacred and use it religiously to write. You can do that. Make a habit of whatever you can so that you have a habit of working towards completing your goal. This takes away that adage, “out of sight out of mind.” We know that’s the case, so our next step is to keep it in sight and in our mind.
Keep moving toward the destination.
Don’t stop moving. Movement is key. Movement brings momentum. My grandmother taught me that it’s easier to steer a car that is in motion than one that’s not in motion. The same is true for your goals. It’s easier to continue than it is to start from a stopped position. Keep moving. In fact, move every day even if only a little.
Don’t stop short of your “promised land.” I was thinking of the nation of Israel, they could have, and many tried to settle in the wilderness after crossing the Red Sea. They did what the average person does. They forgot about what the journey would take. They forgot to ask themselves what we can do today to reach the promised land. They forget to take account of what was needed to maintain their momentum. They took their eyes off the destination because they had no habitual reminders. Lastly, they got tired of moving. That’s what average people do, but thankfully they had a leader who never lost sight of their goal, their promised land. That’s why we are here to help you keep your eyes on your promised land and remain focused on going to the next level.
Question: Which one of these five steps have you allowed to slip and why?
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