Making the Connection Between Success and Time
Time Management for Believers – Part 2
Before we begin with this lesson on how to make the connection between success and time, we first have to understand success. Success comes in two forms: 1) what you think makes you a success and 2) what others think make you a success. I’ve often said this can be confusing because a person can appear to be successful to the entire world around them, but inside think of himself or herself as a failure. How can this be? It comes back to the two forms of success and only one form truly matters to you. What you think of yourself matters. The Bible says it this way. “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.” [1]
Therefore success (satisfaction in what you do) must be first defined.
No one can define success for you.
Others can see success in others only from his or her predefined definition of what success would be for them. No one can define success for you. You are the only one who can define success. And it must be defined or you will never achieve it. You will never find satisfaction in your own work without defining your work. “Paying careful attention to your own work” simply means plan for it and assign the time you need to get it done.
Success can only be defined by you.
“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” [2]
Recall this lesson is for fellow believers. The scripture quoted above can be viewed in two ways: 1) God gives you what you desire and 2) God gives you the desire you should have. I have no intention of making an appeal for either thought, but rather focus on the part about your heart. It all boils down to what’s in your heart. Success for you can only come from what’s in your heart. Your desires rest and reside in your heart and no one else’s. Your momma’s heart can’t give you your definition for success. Your spouse’s heart doesn’t hold your desires. When we try to find our heart’s desire from someone else, it yields disappointment for both.
Successful people are uncommon.
Success is an indication that God is with you.
One of my favorite Bible characters is Joseph for this one reason. The LORD was with Joseph and He gave Joseph great success in all he did. He had success in what he did using the time he had. [3] Success is an indication that God is with you in your endeavors. It doesn’t matter whether you were like Joseph a slave and a prisoner. Success doesn’t discriminate because God doesn’t discriminate. Joseph was a success using the time when he was slave. He was successful when using his time as a prisoner.
If successful people are uncommon…
That means unsuccessful people are common.
Being unsuccessful is the norm. Paul, the author of Romans, challenges us to never conform to the pattern of this world. [4] In other words, don’t be common. Don’t be unsuccessful. In his challenge, he provides the secret recipe for success and that’s to change how you think. I know you’re asking could it be that simple and the answer yes, but no. No one ever said changing how you think is simple. In fact it’s hard because it means you have to learn to let go of many of the things you’ve become comfortable with and comfortable doing. Often, the things we have to let go of in order to be successful aren’t even a problem for us. Therefore, those things don’t present itself as something that should be replaced. In order to change how you think, you must replace your good thoughts with better thinking. Then and only then will you be ready to move into the path of success which is doing what’s uncommon.
In order to prosper and succeed in all that you do, you must do what others’ aren’t doing, which is following the instructions that God has given you. [5]
If you do this. “If” says that there’s a choice to be made. If you’re not making a choice to do this, then you can forget about being prosperous and successful. A true believer is a person who daily makes the choice to do this. Do what’s not normal so that you will be uncommon and successful. It’s a choice which gives us our part to play in order to be successful. When we do this, we’ve ultimately changed what we do with the time we have.
Question: what is the one thing you can do to become prosperous and successful?
[1] Galatians 6:4-5 NLT,, accessed December 13, 2022,
[2] Psalms 37:4 NLT,, accessed December 13, 2022,
[3] Genesis 39:2-6 NLT,, accessed December 13, 2022,
[4] Romans 12:2 NLT,, accessed December 13, 2022,
[5] Joshua 1:8 NLT,, accessed December 13, 2022,
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.