The Key to Executing Our Life-Our Business – Part 1
I feel the need to review a bit. Over the last several posts, we’ve been discussing in detail the elements that make up the executive administration department of The Family Plan. We have summarized the following:
- The executives of our life: those in our family, overseers, pastors, mentors, and small groups.
- The fitness plans (physical fitness, mental fitness and spiritual fitness) we have in place which help us execute our family plan.
In this post, we discuss the key or center piece of it all. Without this element none of the rest will work. The Bible.
Even for those of you who are not Christians, or church-goers, I am going to recommend that you add this book to your personal library. And I don’t just mean add it to your personal library to sit on the shelf, it must be a part of your daily intake. It’s the best and only reference book that covers every aspect of life. The Bible is proven by billions. It’s endured the test of time and its words transcend time.
Okay, enough of me selling you on the Bible. That’s not what I’m here for in this post. My goal is to explain how this book fits into our Family Plan.
The One Verse You Know
We have a rule in our family, especially with our children, use the verse that you know. If you only know one verse, use it. What’s one verse you know? Most people can think of one. For example, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…“ If that’s all you know use it until you have another to use. Pray with it. Think through it. Find a way to apply it to your life. When you go to work remind yourself that God loves “the world”, those folk that you might not love nor want to deal with. If He can love them then so should you, at least find a way to. “He gave“, then you should give to those you love and those you can. There’s enough in just one verse to last you, if not a lifetime, at least a year in your family plan.
Life Scriptures
Over the courses of many years, when you read The Bible there are verses and passages that just stick with you. With that said, we find a place to store and keep those close to us. We call them our life scriptures. We review these quite often. In fact, if these were the only parts of the Bible we had, it would be more than enough. Our Life Scriptures are the ones that we use to help guide and shape our lives. You have to admit not every verse or passage jumps out at you, why not grab those that do. I think they do for a reason and that’s good enough for you, me, to hold on to. Start a collection of your own Life Scriptures today!
The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth
When you need to settle a dispute or have differences that are tough to resolve because of differing opinions, where do you turn? Many of us, turn to mamma or daddy or even grandma. We look to someone who we think knows the answer. Let me offer this, how do you know the answer they give you is correct? Well, you don’t and under normal circumstances it isn’t.
The Bible has been given to us as a gift to show us just that. It is not fact, even though it contains facts, but rather the whole true and nothing but the truth. The Bible is truth and without it you have no truth to base anything on. We as a family have settled, that at the end of the day, the Bible is our book of answers and that will never be questionable. Settle that the Bible is your truth-base.
I think I’ve given you enough to swallow and in our next post we will discuss having a plan for The Bible in your life-your business.
Today is Friday!
I leave you with this action. Locate your favorite Bible today and begin reading just one verse from it a day. Leave me a comment, send me a picture of your Bible, or share with me the one verse you put to memory.
[…] our previous post, we introduced you to “the one book that says it all.” Now, it is time to put that […]