Who Else is Better Than Me to Explain This to My Child?
Introduction to Next Level Birds and Bees
What you more than likely have not considered is who cares more for a daughter or a son than their parents? When you begin dating, a boy (for girls and a girl for boys) is going to tell you how much he loves you and while this is possible, there is no boy (for girls and a girl for boys) on the planet that will love you more than your parents. To be honest, boys are a big threat to you and a girl is the biggest threat to a boy. Let me explain, based on normal behavior it is in this initial relationship that the voice of a boy pursuing a girl or a girl pursuing a boy will have a louder voice than one’s parents.

Keep in mind that there will come along a boy who will genuinely fall for you. For guys, there will come a girl who will genuinely fall for you. This is why I am penning these thoughts. There is nothing wrong with having feelings for another. That is natural, expected, and a God-design. However, there is something that is normal in this process that will lead to big problems. When a daughter or a son starts to elevate the words of that person to whom they have fallen for, above the words of one’s loving parents, can be and often is a problem. If I might be frank here, the intentions of a parent are far different than that person to whom you might fall for. One of the biggest errors made when a young person is of age is that they begin to listen more to the one they have fallen for and 2) their friends. That’s what an average person does and if you are determined to have average results all you need to do is the same. However, doing it differently (better) and with the intent of having greater success in this journey, I call this Next Level Birds and Bees. This writing is designed to take us away from and beyond what average people do so that instead of ordinary results, we achieve extraordinary results.
Let’s revisit the love a parent has for a child for just a moment. As you know, I have great love for you. That means I must be willing to do for you that which no one else can or will for that matter. In other words, I must say the things you don’t like to hear. I must advise you in the toughest of situations and I must be there for you when no one else will be. That’s what this book is for. It’s my attempt to say to you what no one else on Earth will so that you won’t be ignorant of what comes with this topic.
Why this book?
If anyone is concerned about your well-being who might that be? If you had to compare who is most concerned about you and your future who would that be? Considering such questions, I want you to be prepared for sex and its aftermath. It’s just that simple. I want to be the one to explain things to you.
We cannot rely on others to do this for us for two reasons. Allow me to explain why I cannot rely on anyone else for this task of explaining sex to you.
- They more than likely will give you the wrong information.
There is one thing I know for sure. There is a lot of wrong information out there. In fact, most (51% or more) have bad information. Here’s how I know. Ask them what the Bible says about sex, and I guarantee, they have no idea. They will probably say the Bible says don’t have sex before marriage or that sex is limited to marriage. If someone tells you this, ask them to show you where it says such a thing. They won’t know. Most people only regurgitate what someone has said to them without checking it out for themselves whether the information is right, wrong, and in this case incomplete. Know that the Bible gives us the details for both sex-outside-of-marriage and inside marriage, as well as a whole lot more concerning intimate relationships. We are not at that point yet. We can get into that later. Let me continue.
What if I am relying on some person to give you information on sensitive topics or important matters such as this and trusting them to give you the right information, but they give you wrong information? For example, being a person of faith, we believe The Bible has all the answers that we need on any topic or any subject. If I am relying on someone else to do this, more than likely, they don’t have the knowledge, skill, nor the ability to pair God’s word with a topic as important as this one. By the way, if naturally, normally, under ordinary circumstances, we got this subject right, we would not see the problems that we have all been hit with, faced with, or experienced in our lifetime as it relates to our sexual experiences. - Based on the statistics, very few others are qualified.
Therefore, I will take a chance on me. Based on the statistics alone, the people we are relying on to teach this, other than ourselves, don’t qualify to teach in this area. In fact, I would attest that, as parents, we are more qualified than some strangers because they are dealing with the same situations that we are dealing with. At least in this case, we care. We are concerned. We have a stake in the game, so to speak. Furthermore, I would say to you, it would be better to take your chances on your parents. Daughter (or son), I would say well honey, the reason we are doing this or going through this, is because I would rather take a chance on my errors in teaching you this, than anyone else’s. It is more important to me to get this right than I feel someone else making this as important in getting it right with you.
At least if I address the conversation on sex, I’m concerned about you and will do my best to give you what you need for what is coming your way in the future. It will not be some general information that is not based on The Truth (God’s Word that is).
If I think about all the people I know, who have been wounded by sex, that number is 99% of people. In fact, I don’t know that 1% who have not experienced some negatively impacted scenario when it comes to this subject of sex. That’s pretty scary which means the majority have been wounded. So, I would hate for you to be wounded in the same way as the majority and this majority includes me. I don’t want you to go through the same things I went through, even though mine may be limited in comparison to what someone else has gone through. I don’t even want you to have the limited hurts, wounds, or pains that I’ve gone through, let alone the toughest of life altering, scars, and wounds that sex has left on most people around us. The truth is sex should not scare you or anyone. Therefore, we take a stand today and write this content that we call The Next Level Birds & Bees.
Question: What negative experiences with sex have you heard from others?