Turning Dreams into Fuel for Your Faith
Do It Again and Again – Part 3
My friend, Brian, and I were consultants in our early twenties, and we dreamt of what our lives would be like when we arrived at thirty. We would describe the type of life we would have, what our families would look like and what our homes would be like. What we never considered was the impact dreaming would have on us. Our dreams became the hope that fueled our faith to achieve the very things that were only dreams in mind. Those dreams were converted into goals that we would achieve in less than a decade. The beauty of dreaming is, it does not stop unless you stop. At thirty, we could have called it quits, but what happened was the total opposite. We continued to dream and allow those dreams to become more fuel for our faith to achieve even more. What are you dreaming about? Let’s turn those dreams into fuel for your faith. Here’s how.

- Turn your hopes into daydreams.
What are you hoping for? What things are you hoping to have? What are you hoping to become? What are you hoping to achieve? Can you create a list of your hopes?
Everything worthwhile starts with one’s hope. I said everything worthwhile. Keep in mind that what is worthwhile to me is not what’s worthwhile to you. Therefore, what you dream of is not the same as what I dream about. Next, take those hopes and begin to dream about them. Don’t ever be afraid to let your mind take you to places that you dream of. Every great achievement starts in the space between a person’s ears. Now, it is your turn. See what can become of your hope inside your dreams. Turn your hope into your daydreams and let your imagination go wild. - Increase your dream with imagination.
Let’s take the act of dreaming to the next level by adding our imagination. What can you imagine? Keep in mind that most people’s imagination is bigger than their reality. There are no restrictions or limitations when it comes to a person’s imagination. In your imagination is a place that has no limits. The question is, are you courageous enough to use your imagination to create a new world for yourself? Steve Harvey says it this way. “Imagination is everything. It is the preview to life’s coming attraction.” Could it be that you are missing out on the life you have always wanted because you did not think it was worth dreaming? If you want to see a preview of what’s coming in your life, simply reflect upon what you have been imagining.
The last thought I would like to share on this point is this. No matter what you can imagine, God is bigger than your imagination. If you can think of it, He can exceed it. Let me say it another way. Each time your imagination increases so has His ability to go beyond it. [1] What are you waiting on to dream bigger? - Turn your enhanced dream into a goal you wish to achieve.
The biggest mistake a person can make in life is leaving her or his dream in the dream world. “The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.” – Myles Munroe [2] In the cemetery is buried people’s dreams that were never made a reality.
The purpose of a dream is to move it into reality. What good is having a dream you desire so badly that you do not act on it? It was your dream that pushed you to further your education. It was dreaming that persuaded you to apply for a new role or new position. It was your dreams that made it possible to see yourself achieve your last accomplished goal. Now that you have enhanced your dream with your imagination, there are but two options: 1) do nothing and 2) do something. Average people take option 1 – do nothing. The extraordinary, like Steven Jobs, Henry Ford, Beyonce, Barack Obama, and other successful people took option 2, do something. They took their dreams and began formulating goals to act upon. What will you do with yours? Turn your enhanced dream into a goal that you can act on.
Now you have goals that drive you and not you driving your goals. These are the words quoted by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, in the movie Selma. “I’m no different than [anybody] else. I want to live long and be happy, but I’ll not be focusing on what I want today. [I’m focused on what God wants. We’re here for a reason. Though many many storms. But today] the sun is shining, and I’m about to stand in its warmth alongside a [bunch] of freedom-loving people who worked hard to get us here. I may not be [with them] for all the sunny days to come, but as long as there’s light ahead for them, it’s worth it to me.” [3]
When Dr. King began his journey of fighting for civil rights, he had a dream of what it would look like. He had hope for a better America, a better nation. However, once he began the steps, his journey would be a difficult one. The reason he was able to continue wasn’t because he was so great and we know that he was, but rather his dream was something he truly hoped to see accomplished. At that point he was no longer in the driver’s seat, but rather the dream was driving him. A next level person is not great because of a goal they pursue but rather because of the goal that pursues them.
Questions: what dream do you have that is driving you and will you act upon it?
[1] Isaiah 55:8-9 NKJV, Bible.com, accessed March 12, 2024, https://www.bible.com/bible/114/ISA.55.8-9.NKJV
[2] Unknown. “Myles Munroe > Quotes > Quotable Quote.” Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9196732-the-wealthiest-place-in-the-world-is-not-the-gold
[3] Unknown. “What MLK Taught Us about Living Courageously” The Small Print Of Life Blog. https://www.kendruck.com/blog/mlk-taught-us-living-courageously
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.

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