4 Supernatural Laws for Goal Setting
Do It Again and Again – Part 4
There was a king’s cupbearer who for what seemed like most of his life wished he could do something, anything to change the state of his hometown. One of his brothers visiting from his hometown brought word of how the situation back home was worsening. The city was in shambles to say the least. Sick to his stomach, this cupbearer wore his concern heavily. He prayed for months for the situation to change, but then one day, the king asked what was troubling him. Explaining the situation, the king sanctioned this cupbearer to do the unthinkable. He granted him all that he needed to resolve the issue.
Place yourself in the shoes of this cupbearer who has now been given the task of restoring your hometown, a great city. Where do you start and how do you, who have no experience in such a daunting task, attempt such a feat? This is what might be running through your mind when you think of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. If this is what it feels like for you, allow me to encourage you with these four thoughts, my Biblical don’ts have you.

- Don’t Fall Behind on Your Dream by Not Having a Set of Goals
The worst thing a person can do is fall behind on his or her dream by not having a written plan. You see, the plan is for you and your progress. Write the plans you have for your goals. This is how your success begins. Setting goals and planning for those goals is like taking your first step.
When the cupbearer had his instructions, he then had to begin making plans and preparations. Preparing is no different than setting goals. One must determine what he or she needs to complete the task that is before them.
“Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.” [1]
Most people fail because they hurry and scurry about trying to accomplish great feats without first carefully planning what must be done to accomplish the desired goal. - Don’t Begin the Work Without Setting the Goals for Completing It
Most of the professional personal development speakers I follow live by this phrase. “Don’t begin until you are finished.” In other words, don’t start the work until you have finished it. Complete your blueprint first. Goal setting is your way of making a blueprint for what you would like to accomplish. When you follow a blueprint, you know exactly what the results will be. Are you living your life off a blueprint you have created or are you okay with having a life that ends with unplanned results?
“Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.” [2]
Do your planning and preparation work prior to attempting what you desire to accomplish. - Don’t Lose Sight of Your Objective
You have heard this phrase many times. “Don’t take your eyes off the ball.” How about this one? “Out of sight, out of mind.” These phrases depict a person who has lost objectivity. Have you ever tried to remember an idea that you had and failed to capture in writing? It can be painful trying to recall an idea or thought that escaped you. The truth is this is normal. Everyday scores of people lose thoughts and ideas simply because she or he failed to write it down. They failed to write the thing they saw in their mind.
“Write this. Write what you see. Write it out…” [3]
Your thoughts are not available to anyone else but you. Therefore, the only way we can get it in the hands of another and even into our own hands is by writing it down. Write what only you can see. - Don’t Try to Achieve Your Goals without God
Denzel Washington is known for saying, “put God first.” Denzel quoted this in a speech he was giving at a college graduation. Putting God first was his key to becoming the success we know him to be. In other words, he placed God in his plans and goals. Most people leave God out of their goals and plans and as a result accomplish extraordinarily little. There is a Proverb that goes along with Denzel’s philosophy I’d like to share.
“Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.” [4]
The king’s cupbearer knew that his actions were not good enough to accomplish the enormous task that lay in front of him. Denzel had enough sense to know that he would never have accomplished the successful acting career that he has by his actions alone. He needed an advantage. He needed a God-sized boast. It is common to think like normal people do and leave God out of the process. You see, if it were common, then everyone would have the same success as the cupbearer who rebuilt a great city and like Denzel who is known around the world for his movies. If it were common, then everyone would do the same. What makes the difference is including God in the work.
Goal setting in and of itself is not a habit of the average person. Goal setting is what next level people do, but next level goal setting is for the person who desires to improve upon their current goal setting processes. We began this journey together by emphasizing how all goals start in one place. To begin the process of defining one’s goals, we ask this question. What would you like to see…? In answering this question, you want to make it as simple as possible to capture your thoughts, ideas, and desires. Make a list of your desires. From this informal listing, identify the desires you would like to act upon. Do so by turning the listed desire into a stated goal. Using the XYZ formula, format your desires into goals. “I would like to achieve X (desire) by Y (Timeframe) because of Z (compelling reason).” Once you have made this your process, all you will need to do is repeat the process going forward for every desire you can dream of. When you do so, what you are repeating is not the goal setting process, but the process to produce results again and again for your life. This concludes Next Level Goal Setting.
[1] Proverbs 21:5 MSG, Bible.com, accessed March 21, 2024, https://bible.com/bible/97/pro.21.5.MSG
[2] Proverbs 24:27 NLT, Bible.com, accessed March 21, 2024, https://bible.com/bible/116/pro.24.27.NLT
[3] Habakkuk 2:2-3 MSG, Bible.com, accessed March 21, 2024, https://bible.com/bible/97/hab.2.2-3.MSG
[4] Proverbs 16:3 MSG, Bible.com, accessed March 21, 2024, https://bible.com/bible/97/pro.16.3.MSG
All Scripture references used by permission, see our Scripture copyrights.

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