In the earning decades, spend less time on how much earnings and more time on what the earnings are for. Give yourself a why and the resources will follow.
Learning How to Live an Uncommon Life
There are three key takeaways one should gain during the learning phase of one’s life.
A View of Your Life At Each Phase
This lesson is an introduction to an uncommon view of how we can use the decade calendar as a projection of who we can become.
Finances During the Returning Decades
In this final installment of “Preparing Financially for the Returning Decades,” we discuss setting your life up financially for an ending well deserving of a life well lived.
Financial Impacts of the Earning Decades
In this installment, we describe what the financial outcomes should look like when you’re in decade 4-7. These four decades known as the earning decades are critical to the financial outcome of your lifespan.