Vision: The Purpose for My Life – Part 2
What do you want your future to be like?
I’m going to start getting more aggressive with you. I’m told this is what my readers and followers expect. And that’s my nature. You know why you don’t have the things you dream of? Because doing what it takes to get them sounds stupid. “No one else is doing that”, you say. And the reason for that is because your surroundings don’t have the right set of people in it. Yes, your dream may be unheard of, but do you really want dreams or better yet a life like someone else? Stupid or not, it’s time to make the decision-draw the line-if you want to have the kind of life you so desire. Stick with me and I guarantee I can show you how. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have an answer. Instead of doing nothing and having nothing, together we can do something and have something we’ve never had before.
What’s so hard about dreaming?
So, take a piece of paper or notepad. Let’s start to dream; it’s easy. You do it all the time. You just don’t tell anyone. When I mow the lawn, that’s cut the grass for some, it’s my time to dream. I dream of owning my own neighborhood. One where I have purchased houses for my family members so that they’ll never have to have a mortgage. Imagine that! If you dream it what harm could it be to pursue it? What harm could possibly come from pursuing your dream? Maybe one day those dreams actually come true?
5 Categories to Help You Begin to Envision the Life You’ve Dreamed About:
Let’s start with your wish list. A wishlist is nothing more than visions of things that God has planted in your heart. That’s why no 2 lists are the same. To get you started, I’ll give you a few categories:
- Your life. What would you like to see happen to your home? Would you like a new home? What type of family do you want? Who can you model your life after? Are you interested in furthering your education? What do you want to study and why? This is how we see the future. Get it out of your head and onto the page so that you can begin having the life that people dream about.
- Your work. What do you want to do to make a living? What would you like to be known for? If you were a professional or an expert, what would it be in? What would you like to look like when you go off to work? Do you desire office work or studio work? Or to be an athlete? Let the dreams flow. Those thoughts and ideas are there for a reason. Stop saying that it’s unattainable. The Family Plan places it in your reach.
- Your spirituality. Are you tired of doing church and religion like your family has for 100 years? What’s in your heart? Define it. Maybe you want to be involved in an area that your church doesn’t have an opening, what can you do to satisfy that longing? Don’t just stop because something doesn’t exist. You know how to make something out of nothing. If you’re like me you’ve done that all your life. Maybe it’s time for the next great evangelist or reformer? It’s time to envision your life through the eyes of God-they are nothing like the eyes of men.
- Your interactions. Do you feel you don’t have enough friends? Make a plan to get more. Do you feel like you have the wrong friends? Are you passionate about making a difference in society? Do you get excited during election year and desire to be more involved? Do you want to travel the world? Define what you mean by that. What places would you like to see? Write it down. It’s the easiest step to getting it done.
- Your relationships. Tired of having bad relationships? Draft your idea of a good one. Jot down the attributes you’d like to see in a significant other. That way when you have a candidate you’ll know how he/she measures up. Do you want to change the dynamics of your family? Start with stating what you wish to change. Stop letting life live you and start living your life. It’s your life and it’s your business.
Do your dreams still sound stupid? What would be stupid is for you not to write them down so that you can do something with what God has given you. Stupid? That’s the dream that dies with you not sharing it with the world. Stupid is letting someone without a dream tell you that yours is stupid!
Today is Friday!
What’s the biggest mistake you can make? Not acting on your dreams. What dream do you have that you’ve never acted upon? Leave a comment. I want to know what the world is missing out on because of you.
[…] our previous posts, we discussed the “big picture” vision, your dreams. This is a major piece to putting […]